Sunday, May 27, 2007

Chance is Here

Chance is finally here! After an excruciatingly long week, Chance arrived Wednesday afternoon. He was born at 12:41 pm, weighed 7lbs 8oz, and measured 19 1/2 inches long. So far everything has been going good. Rayleigh has seemed to be doing okay with him around and has been the big little helper. No jealousy, so far!
It has been rough on her and myself, because she doesn't grasp why I can't hold or carry her. Hopefully that won't last too many more days. Also, I give my husband a hard enough time, that I have to brag on him now. He has been absolutely wonderful. Tim has been great with keeping all of us happy and comfortable. From cooking to cleaning and a to z.
Many of the nurses at the hospital commented on how there are so many "deadbeats" that aren't around. Also, how lucky I am to have one that is so sweet and willing to help. Which it's true, I am blessed to have him. He was there to help every second, not just on the easy stuff. But, also on the difficult things that are hard to see those you love dealing with. He could have opted to let the nurses do it all. Thank you, once more, Tim.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Baby Shower

The church gave us a baby shower Sunday, it was wonderful. We still find it amazing how generous and loving a large group of people can be. It makes you pray that those around you could open up and find or even see that opportunity of compassion around them.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

First Night!

Rayleigh made it through her first night in her "big girl" bed. It was going on 10:30pm when we finally got it put together, in her room and the crib out. We said our memory verse, brushed her teeth and sat there giving her some time to wind down. When the next thing we know she gets all her blankets (those of you that know her, that's a lot of blankets!) and heads off to her room. Tim and I sat there staring at each other not quite sure what to do. We finally peeked in at her and she had laid down in bed, she stayed in there all night! So far so good! Rayleigh still won't climb out until she gets an okay from one of us.