Thursday, August 6, 2009

Locks of Love

We were planning on getting Rayleigh's hair trimmed before school. I had in my mind maybe 2 inches. Tim was looking at her and asked if she had enough to donate. My first thought was can we really do that without bawling. (Me, not her) Tim thought it would be an oppurtunity to teach her a valuable lesson. So we talked to her about it. Then the night before her and I sat down and looked at the locks of love website. She, of course, wanted to know who they were and what their names were. Rayleigh also noted, that they were all still smiling. Those kiddos have lots of courage, a level I may never reach in life. Or, prayerfully, even be challenged with. Love you my Rayleigh!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I do love her haircut, but it does make her look so grown up! What a great idea Locks of Love is.